
Happy Birthday August!

Six years ago we were blessed to be able to welcome August to the world. I had a quick delivery with Oda (less than an hour after we came to the hospital), but August found his way out even faster. While the delivery of Oda was really tough, the delivery of August was just perfect!

August was supposed to be called Alvin August, but Oda cried when she heard the name. Not the tantrum type of cry, but the heartbroken one. She wanted his name to be Ask - after her kindergarden boyfriend. I loved the name Ask too (my baby boy’s name had to begin with an A as all the men in my husband’s family have names starting with an A), but Ask was the other boy’s name. Not my sons, I felt. But Oda continued to be heartbroken.

After two and a half month of not having a name, the official deadline from the government naming your child came closer. We sat dwon with our 3,5 year old Oda and discussed her baby brothers name over breakfast. We told her that she could name her baby brother. We told her what names we liked, and she told us what names she liked. Then we walked her to kindergarden.

When she came home that afternoon she stated that she had been thinking and that her baby brother was going to be called August. Not Alvin August. We gave him Severin as his middle name after his great grandfather.

And now little August Severin has turned 6. Happy birthday my son!
My prince!

Alvin is not exactly too happy to about not getting any 
presents. Doesn't quite understand birthdays yet...

Loving opening his presents. Pokemon is the best!

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