
Red noses on the mobile galla

Gulltasten is the industry’s annual celebration of itself. It’s an occasion to meet and honor achievements. Bipper and Save the Children were there and handed out red noses to everybody. We are encouraging the rest of the industry to open up their wallets and donate.

In one day we managed to get the organizers onboard with the idea (thanks!), Save the Children involved, an exhibit booth rigged, and enough noses for everybody.

The Red Nose Day was an interesting segment at “Gulltasten”, and since Save the Children is very committed to safeguard children's digital world was this a great fit.

However, the donations that were made this evening were less than I had expected so all the executives can expect a letter from me encouraging more contributions!

If tiny Bipper is able to donate money for Save the Children the larger corporations definitely need to participate!

The account number is 8380 08 08033.
And mobile users are encouraged to call 820 44 144 and donate 200 kroner.
As a Bipper-friend Idar Vollvik (founder of Chess) 
was the first one to be offered a red nose from Bipper

Posing on the red carpet. 
Notice that my Bipper handbag is always there!

Maria from Save the Children charmed everyone with her red nose

Business and pleasure! Two pairs of twins 
showed off the new business phone from Toshiba

Nadir was the first Bipper, and a bit of updating was 
needed. Nadir is a successful Telecom entrepreneur, 
and the man who inspired me to “go for it”

And Olav got the winning ticket - and a brand new Toshiba mobile phone!

Red noses are great fun!

Mobile beer!

How did they get this car up the stairs to the 
second floor of the hotel???

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