
New Years Parade

A New Years parade takes place on New Year’s eve in our neighborhood every year. In the afternoon the children dress up and go from house to house singing songs for sweets, when the sun sets all the neighbor gather for the parade and at midnight we all gather to send up fireworks.

This year my kids and their friends dressed up as small santas, a sheep and an angel, and sang a beautiful song they had made themselves. All the kids in Nordåsgrenda take great pride in making the best song and the best show as prizes are given out rewarding the kids. Since a couple of us parents were in the jury this year we couldn’t let our own kids win, but they surely did put on a great show.

The neighborhood we live in is quite unique. Nordåsgrenda was built founded on idealism, and a community house is located in the centre with terrace houses around it. The houses are by no means fancy, but its a perfect and safe place for the children to grow up. The community house hosts a 5-days-a-week kindergarden, a junior club one afternoon a week, a choir, as well as spaces for the teenagers to meet and play games, or to rent for parties and other celebrations.

We love our life in Nordåsgrenda, and we look forward to a great 2010! Happy New Years!
August, Oda and Alvin dressed up as a sheep, 
an angel and a santa teddybear. Aren’t they cute?

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