
My first CTIA in Las Vegas

Apparently the show this year was slower than the previous years, and the credit crunch gets blamed. I on my hand felt it was great to have the space to move around, and as long as the people I need to meet are there, I’m quite fine!

I finally reached LAS Vegas Sunday at midnight after a 27 hour flight! I was tired and jetlagged, but got a little energized from all the noise and excitement from the Aria Hotel's casino floor and managed to stay up for a few hours to strategize a bit with Nils. He had arrived a few hours earlier and said my delay cost him about $50 an hour on the blackjack table!

The next morning is kicked off with a few great conference calls, followed by business lunch with potential investors, meetings with some of the the largest tech companies and mobile operators in the world before we closed out the day with a high level networking dinner hosted by WDA. The next few days is spent the same way, but thankfully we also have some time to spend at the exhibits and it was great to walk around and fell the energy and excitement and look at a lot of cool and innovative products and companies.

It was also a little warmer than my January visits and we managed to get 20 minutes by the pool, a drink and Nils a quick swim before we got kicked out at 6pm! Well well, at least I got to lay down in the sun and close my eyes. I’ll post another blog with some photos of Vegas before we leave!

US operators have a lot of branded accessories to sell.
 Next year I hope BipperSIM is one of them!

Eye controlled earphones..... Not quite getting this. 
Except that technology is quite amazing!

Tons of people everywhere - 
but way less than at the CES or Mobile World Congress.

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